Tuesday 1 November 2016

Random winner and featured artists for October

There was such a great variety of projects shared in the October Anything goes link-up. Thanks so much to all you wonderful and talented ladies for sharing your amazing cards and projects, you are all on a roll and it was so much fun checking out all the Halloween projects, what a fun holiday that is slowly catching on in Australia. It was a pleasure seeing all the creations of the loyal JKOC participants and a huge welcome to all the new participants as well, hoping you all will continue to share your work from now on. 


The random winner for the October link-up-

who has won a $25 gift voucher from ETSY
Prize claimed

Image result for etsy

Congratulations Karen, I hope you enjoy spending your prize and thanks for sharing all your amazing creations. I look forward to hearing from you to claim you're gift voucher.


Congratulations to all the featured artists, everyone's work was absolutely amazing.
Make sure to proudly display your featured artists badges on your blogs.

JkoC feat button


  1. Beautiful work, everyone! Congratulations to the featured artists and so well deserved! I enjoyed seeing the variety! Congrats to Karen on the win! Thank you to Susan for your challenges!

  2. Congrats winner and featured artists!!!

  3. Thank you soooooooooo much, it's truly an honour!

  4. Thanks so much for choosing my card for the featured artists of the month! Congrats to all the winners!

  5. Thanks so much for choosing my card for the featured artists of the month! Congrats to all the other winners, XOX Lucy

  6. wow, thank you for choosing my card, I am very proud! congratulations to the winner and to other top picks.

  7. Congrats to Karenladd and all featured artists! Thank u so much Susan for featuring my work! Would love to display the batch proudly!

  8. Oh! Thank you so much for picking me as one of the winners. I loved linking my cards up to your challenge and am so grateful for your sweet comments. Off to email you now.

  9. Thanks so much for including me in your featured artists! Congratulations to Karenladd! Blessings! Kathy

  10. Thanks so much for including me in your featured artists!
    Congratulations to all the others also<3
    Hugs Kaija<3

  11. Wow! Thank you for the time put into your challenge, and for selecting my card as a featured entry! Made my evening! hugs, de

  12. Thank You so much for incuding my notebook in featured artist work!!!

  13. I very much like your pattern it's beautiful,thank for sharing good i dea !


  14. Once again thanks for this amazing challenge and exciting blog. I hope in future you share more good updates. Now it's time to avail Baby Liquid Soap for more information.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I truly appreciate the time you have taken to enter the challenges at Just keep on creating.