Saturday 1 October 2016

Random winner and featured artists for September

Let me just say that it's great to be back at JKOC. Thanks so much to all you wonderful and talented ladies for sharing your beautiful cards and projects. It was a pleasure seeing all the creations of the loyal JKOC participants and a huge welcome to all the new participants as well, hoping you all will continue to share your work from now on.


The random winner for the September link-up-

1.38.FT Fitkitty
who has won a $25 gift voucher from ETSY
Prize claimed

Image result for etsy

Congratulations Kitty, I hope you enjoy spending your prize. I look forward to hearing from you to claim you're gift voucher.


Altering Stamps to Create Halloween Costumed Dogs

Congratulations to all the featured artists, everyone's work was absolutely amazing.
Make sure to proudly display your featured artists badges on your blogs.

JkoC feat button


  1. Thanks for choosing my card as featured.
    Hugs, Nicolette

  2. OMGOODNESS, Susan! I am SO EXCITED! I can't believe I won! That's awesome! Thank you so much! I will email you shortly! Yay! Very happy! And thanks you for featuring one of my cards with all of these talented artists! I am honoured! Congrats to all the featured artists! Beautiful! I enjoyed looking at each one!

  3. Wow thanks for choosing my little church as a winner I am thrilled congrats to all the winners
    Tracey x

  4. Massive congrats to all. And thanks so much Suze. It's an honour!

  5. I'm very happy. Thanks for choosing my card as featured.
    Hugs, Renata

  6. Congrats to the winner and thanks so much for featuring muy card.
    "See" you soon

  7. Congrats to KT Fit Kitty and to all the other featured folks too. I'm so thrilled to have my puppy Halloween card chosen! You've made my day! Big hugs, Kristina

  8. Congratulations KT Fit Kitty! Thanks for selecting my card to be featured and congrats to all the others! Blessings! Kathy

  9. Congrats to the winner and thanks so much for featuring my card!
    Hugs Kaija<3

  10. Congrats to the winner & thank you so much for featuring my card😊

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  12. Lovely work from the design team. I am very happy to read this one. Your new ideas about decorating design is really amazing. Now it's time to avail vacuum sealer bags for more information.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I truly appreciate the time you have taken to enter the challenges at Just keep on creating.