It is Tuesday and time to announce the Tuesday digi winner of the week. Hope all of you had a fun Halloween, it's great to see Halloween getting bigger in Sydney, always enjoy seeing people dressed up and all the fun Halloween products in the shops and ofcourse all the amazing Halloween projects that you talented crafters make. It has been an another extremely busy week for me but a productive week, I am slowly catching up on everything, it's hard going but I am getting there. Hope everyone's week is going well and that you are all busy creating. Thanks so much for all your submissions, it's always a pleasure going through all the amazing work that is submitted, you all certainly know how to keep on creating. The next link-up will be up in the next few days.
The random winner this week has been chosen by and here are the details..............
The voucher is from

and this week's winner is
Congratulations Desire, I am sure Desire will enjoy spending her $10 voucher at
Please try and contact me by next Tuesday to claim your prize, email me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I make every effort to contact the winners but if you are still waiting for an email from me please contact me by emailing me again or leaving a comment on a post with your email address, I can only do my best with notifying winners. Don't hestitate to contact me if you are one of the winners of your digi prize and still haven't claimed your prize. Until next Tuesday, have a good week xx